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The 4 R's Method ©

Writer's picture: Sophie FrabottaSophie Frabotta

I have spent the last Fourteen years working with individuals in the one to one spiritual healing space. (Almost completed my 10,000 hours to be accurate.)

And it was here that I discovered my revolutionary process called The 4 R's Method©.

I started to notice this pattern that all my clients seemed to move through. They would recognize a root wound, release the energy, reprogram the space, and radiate new light.

This became my proprietary process that has transformed the lives of to many to count, and ultimately takes clients and students from wounded to free!

And this is the foundational method that we teach our Spiritual Life Coaches in our Certification program. Here are the 4 phases of healing that we travel through.


This is where we discover what the real issue is underneath the presenting problem. Often what brings a client in the door, is not their deepest issue. So we dig to ask questions that can lead us down into their false belief system. Here we recognize the root issue that is repeating itself through false beliefs and needs to be recognized, so we can move into the next phase. This is typically where traditional therapy stops and deep spiritual healing begins.


We then explore this false belief system by teaching the client to do the inner work, using an array of different healing modalities, they begin to move outdated energy, memories, emotions, and fears out of the body. These Release modalities can be quieting the chatter, Ho'oponopono, Light Healing Meditations, Chakra Clearing, Addressing a Trauma, Cutting Cords, Releasing the Victim Mindset, Intentional Yinyasa Yoga, Sound Healings, Journaling, Sweating, Epsom Salt baths, etc.

REPROGRAM: After we have released our stale energy, we begin to plant new seeds in that same space by reprogramming with new energy. This is a process of defining what it is YOU truly desire and then creating these reprogrammings to be recited as medicine. By setting intentions and practicing these new frequencies, you will begin to emit a different vibration!


This is where YOU begin to carry a new frequency and raised vibration. As you have moved through false beliefs and began to carry new light, now you get to walk through life with new empowered thoughts, feeling better in your mind, body and spirit, and are invigorated and revitalized. This is the stage we all want to get to and I promise you if you keep doing your inner work, you will get to RADIATE a higher frequency where your inner potential begins to blossom.

This is the stage where it all your inner work pays off!

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