What is Spiritual Healing?
Spiritual healing is a process of dealing with all the gunk that blocks your light.
It is one thing to call yourself spiritual, yet it is another thing to really have worked through your past mental and emotional programs, toxic energetic data, and false beliefs that are still lingering in your system and causing you present day pain.
What will Spiritual Healing do for me?
In Spiritual Healing we will bring freedom to all aspects of your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic bodies that may have held onto past painful, chaotic, or traumatic energy. This healing process can be messy, it is rarely linear, and others cannot heal these spaces for you, even if they created them. It is up to you to do the inner work. Therefore, having a guide show you the way through this inner jungle can be priceless.
How did Sophie learn this?
What is the Process?
Sophie will walk you through an online process that will help you start out by feeling safe within.
After we establish that safety, we will encounter some chaotic or disruptive energy inside that needs to go. This is where I will teach you the technique on how to release this kind of traumatic energy.
Then we will explore the cords that are attached to you that may be running toxic energy and show you how to cut, remove or untangle them so they are able to run more harmonious energy.
We will then walk through an array of different spiritual practices that can begin to change your energy on a daily basis.
And we will end this transformation with teaching you all about how to truly love yourself.
What will my results be?
You will begin to trust yourself and others
know the difference between your emotions and theirs
Have a sense of mental clarity
Turn off your fight or flight
Have your entire energy calm down
Find yourself responding differently
Releasing stale anger and daily frustrations
Feel more stable in your own skin
Get back to having a clean slate
Get rid of toxic energy
Develop healthier relationships
More improved energy
Clarity in moving forward
Feelings of personal empowerment
Become your best friend
Tap into your inner support
And speak to yourself in a more loving and non-judgmental tone
Spiritual Healing with Sophie
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